Grounding, Rebirth, Oneness

When a person chooses to be buried it means energetically that person is ready to be reborn. It's the ritual enactment of digging your grave that opens the way for old toxic patterns to die and new transformative habits to emerge. When you throw a seed in the ground, it pulls what it needs from the earth and new growth springs up…..the same thing happens when you plant yourself in the ground.

Mother Earth has an energetic intelligence that can sense exactly what it is you need most.

The Earth is uniquely skilled at absorbing the energy you do not need and giving you the vital energy you are deficient in. People leak energy constantly from fear, anger, lust and toxic thought patterns, during the burial the earth acts as a clay that seals off the leaks energetically.

It recharges, grounds, balances and heals. Nature is the Healer.

Humans function from their own bio-electricity, and as we tap into the earths grounding power, it helps to stabilize our mental and energetic processes. 

Grounding is key for bringing spiritual heights into your daily lives.

It's also great to ground when you experience yourself as flighty, indecisive, imbalanced or “too stuck in your head”.

The Burial is the Ultimate Grounding Ritual.
You Experience a Oneness with the Earth. It is a rebirthing process.
You merge with Mother Earth and allow yourself to be reborn out of her sacred ground. 


sEPT 30TH @ 8am-3pm

the burial event


Sept 30th 8am-3pm

Participants will be in the ground for 3 hours

You are expected to fast or only eat fruit the day of the burial until after the event is over.

Please arrive on time at 8am.


Deadline for Registration is SEPT 28TH, 3pm

You will receive the event location details after registration

Burial was fertilizer to my self, my soul and spirit. It was amazing and amazing is probably a watered down descriptor, but yes I feel enriched. I’m ready for what’s next, ready to bloom and blossom.

Allisha Crockett

Yesterday's burial ritual was abundantly transformative! I'm still recharging after being connected into Mother Earth . It was an honor vibing and joining several others in this transformative experience. The conversations, energy channeling, release of toxins (psychologically, spiritually, emotionally, and physically), refueling of positive energy, connection with nature, exchange of personal journeys, and more!.”



powerful visuals of the burial experience