Shadow Work


This 6 week course will delve deeply into the hidden layers of the self. We all have a part of us that contain our secrets, our repressed feelings, notions of shame, deepest fears, vices and addictions.

These layers of our self are often locked away (beneath the awareness of the ego) and do not get the light and care needed for healing to happen.

Whenever you find yourself triggered the shadow is at work, whenever you are projecting your own inner issues on to someone else the shadow is active. When addictions or deep fears have taken over your consciousness or are silently running in the background of your awareness the shadow is present. These are a few of the gateways that allow the shadow to come to the surface.

By healing the darker or more hidden aspects of our personalities we can better, understand, perceive, manage and integrate our shadows.

Class includes:

An exploration of the shadow archetypes within us (passive and active shadows)

An understanding of triggers and projections and how to heal those wounded layers of the self

How the shadow functions in relationships (masculine shadows and feminine shadows)

How the shadow impacts our attachment style (to friends, family , lovers etc.)

How the shadow impacts our ideas and experience of sexuality

How the shadow influences our view of money and self-worth

How to integrate and heal the wounded or traumatized parts of ourselves (soul retrieval)

Participants can enroll at any time.

This is a 6 week course.

All classes are recorded so you can view them whenever it best fits your schedule.


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This 6 week course will delve deeply into the hidden layers of the self. We all have a part of us that contain our secrets, our repressed feelings, notions of shame, deepest fears, vices and addictions.

These layers of our self are often locked away (beneath the awareness of the ego) and do not get the light and care needed for healing to happen.

Whenever you find yourself triggered the shadow is at work, whenever you are projecting your own inner issues on to someone else the shadow is active. When addictions or deep fears have taken over your consciousness or are silently running in the background of your awareness the shadow is present. These are a few of the gateways that allow the shadow to come to the surface.

By healing the darker or more hidden aspects of our personalities we can better, understand, perceive, manage and integrate our shadows.

Class includes:

An exploration of the shadow archetypes within us (passive and active shadows)

An understanding of triggers and projections and how to heal those wounded layers of the self

How the shadow functions in relationships (masculine shadows and feminine shadows)

How the shadow impacts our attachment style (to friends, family , lovers etc.)

How the shadow impacts our ideas and experience of sexuality

How the shadow influences our view of money and self-worth

How to integrate and heal the wounded or traumatized parts of ourselves (soul retrieval)

Participants can enroll at any time.

This is a 6 week course.

All classes are recorded so you can view them whenever it best fits your schedule.
